Oh my goodness! Yet another award for me. Thank you so much for nominating me for the CREATIVE BLOGGERS AWARD. I am glad you found me so creative, an honour for me.

So, here I have to tell some random facts about me and they are like these:
1. I used to be an introvert (a bit too much) but a friend of mine, this blog and you my dear blogger friends have helped me change a lot. Thanks for that.! 🙂

2. I have friends you could count on your fingers but they are the true ones.

3. I just can’t stop myself from following those people who write beautiful poetries, whatever kind they may be.

4. I’ve been writing since I was 18 but it took me 4 long years to start blogging.

5. I eat a lot whenever I am sad and especially, ice cream.

Now, I nominate you for this award:

And the rules are as follows :
1. Nominate other bloggers (as many as you want) and notify them.
2. Thank and link back to the blogger who nominated you.
3. Share 5 facts about yourself.